Pure Raw Honey For Sale
2024 Honey is SOLD OUT
We are pleased to offer a limited amount of Kowalski Apiary Raw Honey for sale.
Our raw honey is exactly as the bees make it. Foraging from the wildflowers and gardens of Caneyville, Kentucky. While the color and flavor of the honey may vary from season to season, it’s always rich and flavorful.
Our honey is harvested from our own bees, it is strained only to remove honeycomb, it’s never heated, pasteurized or filtered.
The current market price for raw honey is $1 an ounce. At our customer’s request, we offer honey in convenient squeeze bottles.
1 pound bottle for $16
2 pound bottle for $30
To order or inquire about shipping costs, please email Barbra-Sue at the link below. We accept Cash. Zelle or Paypal.
Learn More About Kowalski Apiary Honey
Be reassured that when you buy raw honey from Kowalski Apiary, you get exactly that, pure honey! Find out exactly what raw honey is. What is Raw Honey? Demystifying the Truth About Honey Labels.
We bottle all of our honey at home under the cottage laws of Florida. See exactly how we extract and bottle our honey.
Want to learn more about the bees at Kowalski Apiary and Philip’s rescue efforts to recover wild bees. Check out the Beekeeping Blog.
Raw Honey Crystalizes
Raw honey may crystallize over time. Honey is a supersaturated solution which means it contains more dissolved material than water. Overtime crystals can form. This only changes the consistency of the honey, not any of the nutritional benefits. Personally, I like crystalized honey, it’s easy to spread on a biscuit! To liquify honey after it has crystalized. heat it slightly. The simplest way to do this is to heat a pot of water to just under boiling and then shut it off. The ideal temperature is 95° to 104°. Add the honey jar to the pot and allow it to sit until the honey dissolves. This low temperature does not destroy the nutrients inside the honey.
Raw honey is considered the healthiest kind of honey to purchase. The unique qualities of raw honey are proof you purchased the real deal!