Oh Happy Day! The Gravel Has Arrived
One of the predominate features of the Kentucky homestead is the red clay. When dry, it’s rock hard. Difficult to till, extremely hard to shovel. However, when it’s wet, it’s very different. The slightest grade, like the one in front of the RV is difficult to drive over, causing you to slide towards the creek. The truck is manageable but add the trailer and we’re usually stuck. The day Philip was able to get a truck down the driveway was a very exciting day. The gravel has finally arrived!
Gravel Has Arrived: Big Impact
Our driveway has a pretty steep grade and has taken a lot of bobcat work and the help of our neighbor, Robert, using his tractor to even get it to this point. Thankfully our neighbors have been kind enough to allow us to drive through their property to access ours. Its still very slippery when wet, so the gravel having arrived will make all the difference.
The day this dump truck could navigate the driveway bringing much needed gravel was an exciting day! You should have seen Philip beaming with excitement!
First Loads of Gravel
The first loads of gravel we spread around the RV to help with mud. No matter how hard I try, I end up with Kentucky mud on everything I own.
It was also spread in the drive in front of the RV to help us be able to move through with loaded vehicles. I should keep a tally, one day we might want to know how many loads of gravel we used.
The pick ax works best for spreading gravel.
Check out some of the small tasks we completed to make life a little easier on the homestead.
About the Author: Barbra-Sue Kowalski grew up on a small hobby farm. She was always drawn to farm life, however, she was stuck in an urban life far from her roots. Barbra-Sue was a single mom for 13 years, raising her 3 children on her own. She met Philip in 2018 and they married in 2021. Between the two of them, they have 5 grown children and 5 grandchildren. These empty nesters are following their dreams! As they both turn 50, they are building their off-grid homestead to live the life that they dream about. Learn more about Philip and Barbra-Sue here. Contact them here. To leave a comment on this post, please scroll down.